Category Tutorial

Why React Keys Are Important?

Why React Keys Are Important?

In this part, we will discuss react keys. As we have talked about react list then we also should know about react keys, So react keys are important when you use lists because it is recommended to give a unique…

Controlled and Uncontrolled Components in React

Controlled and Uncontrolled Components in React

In this part, we will learn about react forms, and controlled and uncontrolled components. React forms are a little different from actual HTML forms because form elements keep the initial state. There are two types: Controlled Component and Uncontrolled Component.…

How to Work With The React Context API

How to Work With The React Context API

In this part, we will see about react context API. So react context API is a concept provided by react hooks, React context API allows us to easily access data at different levels of the component tree, without using props…

How to Make E-commerce Product Card Using ReactJS

How to Make E-commerce Product Card Using ReactJS

In this article, we will make an E-commerce Product Card Using ReactJS. This will be a beginner-friendly project and quite easy to understand. Also, we will use here most of the React concepts to build this UI. In this project,…

React useLayoutEffect Hook

React useLayoutEffect Hook

In this part, we will learn about react useLayoutEffect which is almost similar to useEffect hook. React useLayoutEffect Hook mostly has similar working and functionalities as useEffect hook, people usually refer to use useEffect hook much over useLayoutEffect. Now the…

How to Use HTTP PATCH Method in React JS

How to Use HTTP PATCH Method in React JS

In this article, we are going to learn about the HTTP Patch Method in React JS. Making a request using the Patch method is a common thing when working with APIs. Since we know how to access API, we mostly…

How to Make Subreddit Feed App in React JS

How to Make Subreddit Feed App in React JS

In this article, we will make a Subreddit feed App in React JS. We will have an application where we will get a Subreddit feed list from specific Subreddit. This app will fetch all the post lists along with the…

How To Make Income Tracker In React

How To Make Income Tracker In React

In this article, we will create an income tracker in react. Here we have some fields where user can write their income source, income and date. As user fill these, user clicks on button and data will be entered on…

objects are not valid as a react child

How to Fix “objects are not valid as a react child”

In React development, encountering the error message “objects are not valid as a React child” is a common occurrence. This error arises when attempting to directly render an object in JSX, rather than using a valid React child like a…

Switch' is not exported from 'react-router-dom'

‘Switch’ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom’

The error ‘Switch’ is not exported from ‘react-router-dom’ occurs when we try to import the Switch component  react-router-dom but it is not found. Here is how we can fix it: In react-router-dom version 6, Switch has been replaced by Routes. Therefore, we need to update the import statement…