Tag react hooks

How to Work With The React Context API

How to Work With The React Context API

In this part, we will see about react context API. So react context API is a concept provided by react hooks, React context API allows us to easily access data at different levels of the component tree, without using props…

React useLayoutEffect Hook

React useLayoutEffect Hook

In this part, we will learn about react useLayoutEffect which is almost similar to useEffect hook. React useLayoutEffect Hook mostly has similar working and functionalities as useEffect hook, people usually refer to use useEffect hook much over useLayoutEffect. Now the…

How to Make Popup Modal in React

How to Make Popup Modal in React

In this article, we will make a popup modal in React. This modal will look like any advertisement popping up on the screen, but we will do this when we click a button. We will also add some animations when…

How to Create a React Form

How to Create a React Form?

In this part, we will take a look at the react form tutorial. As we know in HTML, forms are very useful. Same here, react forms are pretty much useful, and it is easy to learn as well. If you’re…

Custom Hooks in React

How to Create Custom Hooks in React

In this part, we will learn about custom hooks in react, Since we have learned so much about our React hooks, and we have covered almost all types of hooks (it is possible I could have missed some). So it’s…

react useId

React useId Hook

In this part, we will learn about react useId hook, React useId hook used to provide unique ID to elements. This hook generates a string which is unique ID for each element and this ID will be on server side…

react useTransition hook

React useTransition Hook

In this part, we will learn about react useTransition hook. React useTransition is used to boost our application performance and makes it even faster. useTransition and useDeferredValue are the hooks which used to render the complex logic or bigger data…

react useDebugValue

React useDebugValue Hook

In this part, we will learn about react useDebugValue hooks. React useDebugValue hook doesn’t affect the user experience, but instead of that, it improves the developer experience. React useDebugValue is the hook with which we can debug our custom hooks…

useState Hook

React useState Hook

In this part, we will see the first and most important hook, which is React useState hook. useState hook is pretty straight forward where we have 2 arguments, one for current state and second one for update state. current state…

react hooks

Complete Reference of React Hooks

In this part, we will start learning about react hooks, its types and working. React Hooks are introduced in react 16.8 version, If you don’t want to use class component just for state then react hooks help you to do…