Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Speed Typing Game

  • Total Words 0

  • Written Words 0

  • Errors 0

  • Acuracy 0
  • Timer 0

  • CPM 0

  • WPM 0

  • Last WPM 0

How fast is your typing?
Click on the start button below to start the one-minute typing test and find out!

Just start typing and dont use Backslash to correct your mistakes. Your mistakes will be marked and shown below the writing box. Good luck!

  • Word Per Minute (WPM) is measured by calculating how many words you can type in 1 minute.
  • Character Per Minute (CPM) calculates how many characters are typed per minute.
  • The top typing speed was achieved by Stella Pajunas in 1946, whereas Mrs. Barbara Blackburn has averaged 150 wpm in 50 minutes and her top speed was 212 wpm.

Average typing speed
0 – 20 Slow 20 – 40 Average 40 – 60 Fast 60 – 80 Professional 80 – 100+ Top