
Spotta NG Review Project – Modern Product Review Platform

Reactjs Guru Sep 27, 2024

Spotta NG Review Project is a comprehensive web application focused on product and service reviews. The repository serves as a platform where users can create, manage, and interact with reviews in a secure environment. Its main purpose is to provide a user-friendly interface for review management while ensuring authenticated access and data persistence. The application emphasizes user experience through a modern UI design and seamless interaction flow.

Key Features:

  1. User Authentication System
  2. Protected Review Creation Routes
  3. Review Management Interface
  4. Responsive Design Architecture
  5. Form Validation System
  6. Error Handling Mechanisms
  7. User Profile Management
  8. Real-time Data Updates
  9. Secure Route Protection
  10. Interactive UI Components

Technologies Used:

  1. React.js (Frontend Framework)
  2. Firebase (Backend Services)
  3. Tailwind CSS (Styling Framework)
  4. Daisy UI (Component Library)
  5. Vite (Build Tool)
  6. React Router (Navigation)

Libraries Used:

  1. date-fns (v3.6.0) – Date manipulation
  2. firebase (v10.10.0) – Backend services
  3. lucide & lucide-react (v0.364.0) – Icons
  4. react-hot-toast (v2.4.1) – Toast notifications
  5. react-loader-spinner (v6.1.6) – Loading animations
  6. react-router-dom (v6.22.3) – Routing
  7. daisyui (v4.10.1) – UI components
  8. autoprefixer (v10.4.19) – CSS processing
  9. postcss (v8.4.38) – CSS transformation
  10. tailwindcss (v3.4.3) – Utility-first CSS
Author Profile

Nnaji Benjamin

Joined: 01/26/2020








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