Nnaji Benjamin – Frontend Developer Portfolio
This repository contains a personal portfolio website for Nnaji Benjamin, built using React. The portfolio serves as a professional showcase of development work, skills, and contact information. The main purpose is to present the developer’s projects, technical abilities, and provide a means for potential employers or collaborators to get in touch. The site features a clean, modern design with smooth navigation and responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes.
Key Features:
- Responsive Hero Section
- Project Showcase Gallery
- About Me Section with Tech Stack Display
- Contact Form with Direct Email Integration
- Fixed Social Media Icons
- Smooth Scroll Navigation
- Mobile-Friendly Navigation Menu
- GitHub Project Integration
- Professional Bio Section
- Interactive UI Elements
Technologies Used:
- React.js
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- CSS3
- Styled Components
- SVG Graphics
Libraries Used:
- react-router-dom (v5.2.1) – For routing
- react-icons (v4.2.0) – For icon components
- react-scroll (v1.8.4) – For smooth scrolling
- styled-components (v5.3.1) – For component styling
- web-vitals (v1.1.2) – For performance monitoring
- @testing-library/react (v11.2.7) – For testing
- @testing-library/jest-dom (v5.14.1) – For DOM testing
- @testing-library/user-event (v12.8.3) – For user event testing
Nnaji Benjamin
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