Event App Collab
The Event App Collab is a comprehensive web application designed to streamline event planning and social interactions. The repository serves as a collaborative platform where users can discover, create, and manage events while connecting with friends and groups. Its main functionality revolves around providing an intuitive interface for event organization, social networking, and memory sharing. The application emphasizes user experience through responsive design and seamless navigation, making event planning and social coordination effortless.
Key Features:
- User authentication and profile management
- Event creation and management dashboard
- Timeline view for event discovery
- Group creation and management
- Social networking capabilities
- Responsive design across devices
- Search functionality for events
- Notification system
- Settings management interface
- Friend/group-based event filtering
Technologies Used:
- Next.js 13.5.4
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- React 18
- Node.js
- CSS3
Libraries Used:
- react-calendar (v4.6.0)
- react-icons (v4.11.0)
- react-error-boundary (v4.0.11)
- @radix-ui/react-slot (v1.0.2)
- class-variance-authority (v0.7.0)
- clsx (v2.0.0)
- tailwind-merge
- next/image
- next/navigation
- next/link
The repository effectively combines these technologies and libraries to create a robust event management platform with social networking capabilities.
Nnaji Benjamin
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