DSFolio – Modern Portfolio Website Built with React & Tailwind CSS
DSFolio is a personal portfolio website template designed to showcase a developer’s professional profile, projects, and skills. The repository serves as both a personal portfolio for Daniel Shan Balico and a reusable template for other developers. Its main functionality focuses on presenting professional information in a clean, responsive interface with customizable sections for projects, education, experience, and contact details. The implementation emphasizes user experience with smooth navigation and theme customization options.
Key Features:
- Responsive design adapting to different screen sizes
- Dark/Light theme toggle functionality
- Project showcase with grid layout
- Interactive skills section with technology icons
- Education and experience timeline display
- Certificate carousel with tooltips
- Social media integration
- Contact section with direct email link
- Customizable content through user_info.js file
- Google Analytics integration
- SEO-friendly structure
Technologies Used:
- React.js
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- Vite (Build tool)
- Vercel/Netlify (Deployment)
Libraries Used:
- react-router-dom (Navigation)
- react-icons (Icon components including):
- FaSquareXTwitter
- FaLinkedin
- FaFacebook
- FaInstagram
- BiLogoNetlify
- CgVercel
- DiGithubAlt
- SiTailwindcss
- SiTensorflow
- And various other icon sets
- Google Analytics (Website tracking)
Daniel Shan Balico
Software Engineer
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