Interactive Tic Tac Toe Game Built with React
This repository contains a modern implementation of the classic Tic Tac Toe game built using React. The primary purpose is to provide an interactive two-player gaming experience where players alternate turns placing their symbols (‘X’ and ‘O’) on a 3×3 grid. The main functionality revolves around managing game state, validating moves, detecting winning combinations, and handling game outcomes. The application features a clean, user-friendly interface with responsive design and real-time feedback through toast notifications.
Key Features:
- Interactive 3×3 game grid
- Two-player turn-based gameplay
- Real-time win detection system
- Game state management
- Toast notifications for game events
- Game reset functionality
- Responsive design
- Player turn indicators
- Win/Draw state handling
Technologies Used:
- React.js
- Vite
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- CSS3
- Node.js
Libraries Used:
- react-icons (v4.10.1) – For UI icons
- react-toastify (v9.1.3) – For toast notifications
- @vitejs/plugin-react – For React integration with Vite
- eslint – For code linting
- react-dom – For DOM manipulation
- save (v2.9.0) – For dependency management
Rishabh Srivastava
Code Lover❤️ & Learning Full-Stack Skills
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